Yume Tsukai is a Japanese manga series by Riichi Ueshiba. The series revolves around dream masters who turn nightmares into peaceful dreams. On behalf of their clients they go around searching for nightmares which have escaped the mind of the owner and have manifested themselves into the real world, causing havoc. The nightmares are paranormal phenomenons which have the appearance of poltergeist activities.
In what seems ordinary belies occurrences of unexplainable circumstances, and underlying these special occurrences is the presence of one's dreams or "yume". In this world, the said "yume" is composed of strong emotions... Simultaneously, these emotions will break free from one's mind and transcend the borders to reality. Once the fine line between dream and reality is crossed, these "yume" may turn into nightmares and invite disasters. Misako Mishima and Touko Mishima are amateur dream-users or "yume tsukai(s)". They possess special powers to exterminate and control these nightmares. They will then search for the source of the "yume" and return it to the rightful owner.
In what seems ordinary belies occurrences of unexplainable circumstances, and underlying these special occurrences is the presence of one's dreams or "yume". In this world, the said "yume" is composed of strong emotions... Simultaneously, these emotions will break free from one's mind and transcend the borders to reality. Once the fine line between dream and reality is crossed, these "yume" may turn into nightmares and invite disasters. Misako Mishima and Touko Mishima are amateur dream-users or "yume tsukai(s)". They possess special powers to exterminate and control these nightmares. They will then search for the source of the "yume" and return it to the rightful owner.
1 comment:
This anime could have been done better. I liked the main concept that dreams can be brought to life and cause havoc in the real world, and that these sisters work to correct that... But I didn't like their weapons... that is I didn't like that they were toys... made it more childish than I would have liked. But I suppose anime ARE afterall mainly target toward child audiences
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