My-HiME (舞-HiME) is an anime series, created by Sunrise, directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino. The series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005. The show is a comedy-drama focusing on the lives of HiMEs - girls with the capacity to materialize photons - gathered at Fuka Academy for a secret purpose.
Tokiha Mai and her sickly brother, Takumi were awarded scholarships to attend the prestigious Fuka Gakuen high school. After an accident on a boat en route to the school, she finds herself against strange girls with strange powers. After an explosion that tears that boat in half, she finds herself awake at school grounds.
There, she learns about monsters roaming the ground, and the secrets about the powers of the Hime, as appointed by a special birthmark and the ability to see an evil star in the sky. She later found out that she herself possessed the power of a HiME.
Tokiha Mai and her sickly brother, Takumi were awarded scholarships to attend the prestigious Fuka Gakuen high school. After an accident on a boat en route to the school, she finds herself against strange girls with strange powers. After an explosion that tears that boat in half, she finds herself awake at school grounds.
There, she learns about monsters roaming the ground, and the secrets about the powers of the Hime, as appointed by a special birthmark and the ability to see an evil star in the sky. She later found out that she herself possessed the power of a HiME.
1 comment:
It's actually Mai-Hime, the girl's name being Mai. But that's ok :) Not a bad anime over-all though I didn't enjoy it as much as my sisters did.
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